La banane de Saint-Leu

RĂ©unionLa banane



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4, Rue Haute, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 09 67 83
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1651053, Longitude: 55.2880874

commentaires 5

  • Juliet DME

    Juliet DME


    Discovered by chance. Great welcome! A varied menu with reasonable prices. The dishes were good. There are typical dishes from Reunion but also classic dishes. I recommend this snack restaurant!

  • VĂ©ronique INSA

    VĂ©ronique INSA


    Take-out meals in Creole cuisine are to be avoided absolutely! 9€ per tray, at this stage it's theft: half-filled tray, the curry: tasteless / the tomato rougail: large pieces of tomatoes with chili paste mixed in .. + green onions 😳
 mi konĂ© pa kisa i fĂ© kwi manzĂ© po zot, mĂ© di ali ale an formasyon syouplĂ©. đŸ˜©

  • bertrand coutin

    bertrand coutin


    Good friendly atmosphere The food is decent and affordable. With a preference for andouillette with tagliatelle

  • mimi Razoarizay

    mimi Razoarizay


    Excellent welcome. Very correct value for money. Many choices. Really happy with my visit.

  • Pablo Mercher

    Pablo Mercher


    Great place to relax and have a drink with friends. But to avoid local cooking meals. Super very big advantage it's open on Sunday afternoon 👍👍😁💞

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