LE SPOT de Saint-Leu

RéunionLE SPOT



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4, Rue Haute, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 87 90 87
site web: www.instagram.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.165054, Longitude: 55.2880135

commentaires 5

  • DT



    The food is great (we've tried the different fish dishes) the service welcoming, and the beers amazing. I recommend this place especially for couples or friends. Expect a +20e main course, worth the price. For the beers I've tried the Spot 4 beer, it was smooth & delicate, loved it. I took the two other beers to try home. They also offer beer tasting courses. Might try them. Thanks!

  • Larissa Beaulieu

    Larissa Beaulieu


    Very nice little corner of Saint-Leu. Belgian craft beer. Made on site. They are very good. The dishes are very tasty. We had a great time. I recommend.

  • Bernard Morin

    Bernard Morin


    A very good moment. A chef with a real culinary signature from starter to dessert. Warm welcome and... the surprise of discovering 974 "house" beers! The kind of place you want to make your canteen.

  • Elodie Deville-Cavellin

    Elodie Deville-Cavellin


    We were looking for a simple restaurant with, despite everything, refined cuisine to mark our romantic holiday. We found the pearl at Le Spot! The setting is beautiful, cozy, it feels good. Micro-brewery, good Belgian beer as we like. Delicious dishes !! We eat good and beautiful. Unusual associations, which we like to discover in the restaurant. And above all, very pleasant service, attentive to its customers to have a good time. Great arranged rum! Congratulations to the cooks, thank you for these flavors;) we highly recommend!!

  • Tam Finlay

    Tam Finlay


    Really great food. We had a starter each and a main each and couldn't manage the desserts, so we're going back another day for dessert. I definitely recommend getting the goats cheese if it's on the menu when you go.

Restaurant la plus proche

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