Matilona de Sainte-Rose




🕗 horaire

84, Chemin du Petit Brûlé, 97439, Sainte-Rose, Canton de Saint-Benoît-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1283795, Longitude: 55.7849094

commentaires 5

  • Francois Pignede

    Francois Pignede


    Great welcome Magnificent garden, swimming pool, large common parking areas. You can chat easily with the host who knows Reunion well. Great breakfast

  • Marie-Jo Mesnil

    Marie-Jo Mesnil


    Excellent welcome, very pleasant room and a feast at breakfast in a heavenly setting. Christophe is always present to give us his advice in order to make the most of our stay.

  • Eline



    Beautiful garden, amazing breakfast, clean room. Nice 'living room' area with pool table, board games, dvd's and library.

  • Stephen Walker (Jean-Canot)

    Stephen Walker (Jean-Canot)


    Very warm welcome. The lodging is quite communal. Private rooms but shared kitchen, fridge, rec area, and pool area. Lots of activities, great for kids. The pool and veranda are great for chilling, and the included breakfast was very expansive. We had bread, butter, and jelly, along with fruit juice, charcuterie, patisseries, and fresh pineapple. I'm sure it changes a bit with the season, but it was lovely! They offer dinner some nights, but not all, so ask in advance! The hosts are very inviting and hospital, and the price is right. Bottom line: I would highly recommend!

  • Virgile Raingeard

    Virgile Raingeard


    Great little hidden spot! Garden/pool is super comfy, great value overall.

Lodging la plus proche

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