La Pointe au Corail de Sainte-Rose

RĂ©unionLa Pointe au Corail


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19, Impasse des Pailles en Queue, 97439, Sainte-Rose, Canton de Saint-BenoĂźt-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 52 17 57
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1418386, Longitude: 55.8156557

commentaires 5

  • Guillaume Albon

    Guillaume Albon


    Family outing, the place is very quiet, with a view only of nature and the sea, the welcome is warm, the rooms are simply but tastefully decorated. We had a great time.

  • Greetje De Queker

    Greetje De Queker


    Big and nice room, nice breakfast, big swimmingpool and nice view on the ocean. But the room is rather pricy and you don't even get soap or shampoo in the shower. Parking spot in the garden.

  • Emma M.

    Emma M.


    Sublime bed and breakfast, with magnificent sea view. Impeccable cleanliness. Very spacious room. Delicious breakfast with fresh products, by the pool and always with a sea view!

  • LĂ©a RusconnĂ©

    Léa Rusconné


    Pros: Very welcoming owners, who chat easily. Very nice view of the ocean. Pleasant swimming pool. Comfortable room. Very good breakfast. Top location for restaurants in the evening! Simple but effective decor.

  • Dirk Krienke

    Dirk Krienke


    Lots of false facts are advertised here. Only 2 rooms have a sea view, so some people don't get sea view rooms even though they booked. The beds are much smaller. No air conditioning. No hair dryer. Good driving skills are expected to reach the parking lots. Very, very noisy! Skimpy breakfast. It is required that you have to strip the beds yourself.

Lodging la plus proche

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