Cob Cottage 3 Reunion - The St. Alexander de Saint-Benoît

RéunionCob Cottage 3 Reunion - The St. Alexander



🕗 horaire

14, Chemin Grand Etang, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 60 80 25
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0978664, Longitude: 55.6721442

commentaires 5

  • Clement Desmares

    Clement Desmares


    Very warm welcome, quality and clean gîte, very comfortable, TV, oven, microwave, fridge, washing machine, terrace with table, very quiet place surrounded by nature. Very well located on the road to the plains, not far from the volcano, the flows and next to the large pond. Perfect to enjoy the East and all these wonders.

  • Alison REYMOND

    Alison REYMOND


    Very welcoming cottage and perfect for a short stay in the cool! Very pleasant little terrace, and Mr Roland is very welcoming, always available for advice, and the little welcome punch offered. I recommend :)

  • V V

    V V


    Great welcome, splendid place with beautiful waterfalls right next to it and well placed on the island

  • Sabrina Cavignaux

    Sabrina Cavignaux


    Hello I love this place it's beautiful it's very lively it's presentable.... I love meeting.... see you very soon I hope impatiently... have a great day...

  • Benjamin Fischer

    Benjamin Fischer


    We stayed for 3 nights in the bungalows. The surrounding is really quite and nice in the middle of orange trees. The bungalows were well equipped and clean, although the furnishing is pretty old and could be more modern and in a better shape. A plus is the friendly owner, helping you with everything and making you feel really welcome.

Lodging la plus proche

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