Diana Dea Lodge de Saint-Benoît

RéunionDiana Dea Lodge



🕗 horaire

94, Chemin Helvetia, 97437, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 20 02 02
site web: www.diana-dea-lodge.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1231177, Longitude: 55.7051862

commentaires 5

  • N. B.

    N. B.


    I have thought a lot about my rating. Of course there are many great things about this hotel, but being a 5-star hotel, there are certain things that should be on a higher standard. Pros: - spectacular view of the ocean, if you are so lucky as to stay in the upper level rooms (180° ocean view) - lovely and remote location - food is high priced, but the value is good as complimentary extra bites are included Cons: - the street to the Lodge is small and curvy and there is little space to evade if cars come across (high driving skill required) - service staff is only good at dinner service; in the morning only few people work and have bad knowledge of common things e.g. ordering a Latte Macchiato was not possible, drinks were not refilled, etc. - wine prices start at 75€ per bottle that cost 8€ in the store --> way overpriced!! - The SPA facilities are only accessible if booked for a high price --> not even jacuzzi or sauna is complimentary (regarding the price for the accommodation and the usual standard of a 5-star hotel this is not common) - Pool billiard table is very old, the balls are barely accessible and there is no chalk for the Queues. (Expectations are different at a 5-star hotel) - The rooms are only suitable for pairs, if you share a room with a sibling and want privacy to shower, there is none as the curtains are very see-through. - There are several construction works going on at the lodge which could be hidden from the guests. In conclusion, a five star hotel is supposed to be at the highest standard for accommodation, which unfortunately is not the case for this hotel. The view cannot make up for the many weaknesses mentioned. The one star is for the view but the remaining four stars cannot be given due to the cons overpowering the pros of this hotel.

  • Jochem Van denbussche

    Jochem Van denbussche


    Very nice hotel! Friendly staff, great spa, very clean room. The restaurant is not cheap, but worth the money. We were lucky to see a lot of deer on the domain.

  • Rexon



    way too expenisve and over the top! The dinner was expensive and for a 25€ plate you get a small, not very good, pice of meat. The entrees are small and not very delicious. The spa area is nice and extraordinary but 50€ per person? No thanks.

  • Nadia Soumahoro

    Nadia Soumahoro


    We had a great time in this beautiful place! We went there for my boyfriend's birthday and he enjoyed it. The staff were friendly. we had a very good dinner at the restaurant. For a moment of well-being, you have to choose the option of privatization of the Spa. An unforgettable moment for both of us.

  • Caroline Kerbidi

    Caroline Kerbidi


    Me and my husband decided to go to Diana Dea Lodge to celebrate our 13th marriage aniversary. An it was simply perfect. The room is beautiful, the facilities are incredible, the food is delicious and the personal is very very friendly and helpfull. I've tried the spa area and the corporal massage and it was definitely my favorite moment. I strongly recomend

Lodging la plus proche

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