Le Médillina de Bras-Panon

RéunionLe Médillina


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Bras-Panon 97412, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 37 30 42
site web: www.chambresdhotes.org
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9940533, Longitude: 55.6736809

commentaires 5

  • Marius Gatinet

    Marius Gatinet


    Welcome from the owner. However, the room we occupied was very humid (smell of humidity and dampness on the walls and sheets), it would require a good renovation and was really lacking in cleanliness. We left the room after the first night for all these reasons. To avoid.

  • D G

    D G


    Difficult to be mean with regard to the kindness and the excellent welcome of the owner. But it must be recognized that the rooms deserve a facelift and a thorough cleaning. That said, the environment is calm, the garden overlooking the bedrooms is pleasant, the small swimming pool is completely swimmable and therefore you feel pretty good in this house. Close to shops and restaurants. Hearty and varied breakfast.

  • Didier Abou

    Didier Abou


    Pleasant staff. Very generous breakfast. Too bad the television and the swimming pool was out of order following the passage of the Fakir storm. But it took the last day for TV repair. The presence of spider and cockroach and lizard frightened the children who slept in a room alone. The rooms are a bit dated but well maintained. The pei jams are a treat...

  • Ivan M

    Ivan M


    Extremely damp and worn family room. Faded walls and woodwork, it looks like a converted shed. The queen bed is extremely hard. Otherwise cleanliness of the room, sheets and towels ok. The manager is quite nice, the breakfast is arbitrary.

  • Aloma Woods

    Aloma Woods


    Lovely b&b. Very cozy.

Lodging la plus proche

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