Les delices thai de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionLes delices thai



🕗 horaire

54, Rue Caumont, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 42 78 40
site web: lesdelicesthai.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3382973, Longitude: 55.4711951

commentaires 5

  • Ari Reshan

    Ari Reshan


    The place was very ordinary, uncomfortably hot especially on a hot day in St-Pierre. The food was dry and fried rice was almost burned. I needed two bottles of water to digest it. In addition the food took long time to be served.

  • Luiza SbĂźrcea

    Luiza SbĂźrcea


    Delicious Thai food! Recommend!

  • martin redgrave

    martin redgrave


    Excellent food and service the owner is extremely welcoming

  • Vincent Pahud

    Vincent Pahud


    The food was not bad, but not tasting like Thai food at all. The service is friendly, but not very efficient.

  • Ana MarĂ­a Bastidas Urrutia

    Ana MarĂ­a Bastidas Urrutia


    I am vegetarian and the place offer a great Thai pasta with vegetables. The stuff is so nice, friendly and helpful. Great food in La RĂ©union for vegetarians :) and for not French speakers 😉😁👍

Restaurant la plus proche

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