Mezzo Di Pasta Saint Pierre de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionMezzo Di Pasta Saint Pierre



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3, Rue du Four Ă  Chaux, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 71 39 36
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3433513, Longitude: 55.4771483

commentaires 5

  • Victoria Robert

    Victoria Robert


    I've come back to you too many times thinking it'll be better next time. More than 10 euros to eat pasta with butter, it's still indecent. I don't know where the cheese went, the sauces are very skimpy... I don't think it's normal to be on the verge of going back to showing your cup at the counter and saying "You agree with me that nothing in my pasta? Could you fix it? » It would be in your interest to make an effort on the quality of your services, a competitor has settled opposite, and provides a much better quality service...

  • manuel sarria

    manuel sarria






    Nyc view

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    Among cheap food eateries this one is a good pick . It's quite spacious indoors or outdoors, there are restrooms; and they offer an original way (for RUN) of preparing and serving pasta. Plus a choice of "salad menu" : leafy greens, cherry tomatoes etc on top of their inevitable pasta. For less than 9€ water included. Young crowds.

  • Lutchmee Maharaj

    Lutchmee Maharaj


    Nice lovely

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