Kaz Nature de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionKaz Nature



🕗 horaire

6, Rue Francois de Mahy, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 25 30 86
site web: kaznature.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3432116, Longitude: 55.4745063

commentaires 5

  • Laura KĂ€hkönen

    Laura KÀhkönen


    Tofu burger was tasty!

  • Stephanie K

    Stephanie K


    We went to the restaurant for dinner because we read that they have quite some gluten free dishes. However, they didn't know very much about gluten and suspected it to be everywhere in their dishes so in the end it wasn't a good experience for us. Too bad they didn't know their own food well enough for us to be confident what we could eat.

  • Gabriel D. (Vader)

    Gabriel D. (Vader)


    Loved the place, very charming and the concept is great. We enjoyed our Bo bun (tempeh & chicken), but they were slightly too salty though.

  • Rajavanya S

    Rajavanya S


    I was excited to see such healthy vegetarian options available. But the amount of the rice and curry they gave felt like a joke. I understand other things can be expensive so the lower quantity is justified. Would be okay for kids meal. And sloppy service who forgot to provide or ask for the cutlery for take away.

  • jay begani

    jay begani


    Excellent food and hospitality, best restaurant for vegetarians

Restaurant la plus proche

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