Akina Japanese restaurant de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionAkina Japanese restaurant



🕗 horaire

25, Avenue du Président Mitterrand, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 99 71 94
site web: m.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3424945, Longitude: 55.4805029

commentaires 5

  • VALETTE “Diane” Jacqueline

    VALETTE “Diane” Jacqueline


    Nice welcome with very useful detailed explanations on the dishes. Service with a smile, fast and efficient. The maki and sashimi are good. We can see the master at work 🍣. Everything is made to order with the fish of the day. Small Japanese grocery corner for those who wish to prolong the pleasure at home.

  • Marine Casalonga

    Marine Casalonga


    Superb welcome, very good food, very fresh, hearty, nothing to say, go there without hesitation.

  • Rethem mehteR

    Rethem mehteR


    Honestly the best sushi I've had the opportunity to taste! The price is high but clearly worth what is offered in exchange. To tell you, I'm even ready to taste some things that usually make me sick just because it's in this restaurant! Plan a small budget and treat yourself đŸ€© Back after almost 1 year and still loved what this restaurant offers!

  • Leila DAMON

    Leila DAMON


    Excellent Japanese restaurant. The sushi, sashimi are excellent and the welcome is very good.

  • Anton Nobecourt

    Anton Nobecourt


    Look no further..

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