Les burgers de Sophie de Le Port

RĂ©unionLes burgers de Sophie



🕗 horaire

3, Rue François de Mahy, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 47 24 00
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9374022, Longitude: 55.2895949

commentaires 5

  • Abass Vasram

    Abass Vasram


    A great experience!!! Very good burgers with Sophie very caring.

  • Yannick Fontaine

    Yannick Fontaine


    Sophie's burgers are of very good quality! I came with my family, the kids loved it! Soft bread, generous burger! We will come back!

  • darko bledo

    darko bledo


    The burgers and tender are homemade, a treat đŸ€€đŸ€€đŸ” Plus guaranteed value for money

  • RaphaĂ«l PREVIL

    Raphaël PREVIL


    Very good discovery, excellent burger! Everything is homemade 🏠 Although the manager is alone, she manages very well! Thank you for your welcome.

  • jean-luc POULBASSIA

    jean-luc POULBASSIA


    Nice setting. Outdoor terrace, pretty and spacious room. Heartwarming welcome . Burger at the top! Best! Homemade product from bread to tenders!! To test urgently! Ubereat delivery available!!

Restaurant la plus proche

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