Le Jade de Le Port

RéunionLe Jade



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41-49, Rue Evariste de Parny, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 42 17 28
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9388921, Longitude: 55.2891633

commentaires 5

  • annu Olivier

    annu Olivier


    The dishes are good and plentiful but the frame is really dilapidated and dirty. No more effort is made for customers. Damaged and dirty tables, waste lying around.... You really have to pull yourself together, the potential is there.

  • Coralie 974

    Coralie 974


    We arrived yesterday at 11:35 am the door was closed Approaching a lady come and open us! She takes a customer's order before us then we ask her for a varied Cantonese rice I believe and she tells us that there is a mini 30m wait!! Unless we order like the customer before!! Shame I know this place!! So order ahead!!

  • MilkyChou



    Excellent. Order from 6:30 p.m. if you want to eat what you want because the restaurant is robbed every evening. The trays are super big.

  • nelssia baptiste

    nelssia baptiste


    So this is the first time I've seen this in a paid restaurant because we took it away!!! Certainly it is only "50 cents" more but when the said trays in question are not filled it is not only 50 cents. We paid for it so that in the end the quality/price ratio is favorable only for them!!!! Disappointed I do not recommend!!

  • Mozilo Schôep's

    Mozilo Schôep's


    Excellent and traditional one of the best Chinese restaurants I have visited! I love the upside down bowls they make!

Restaurant la plus proche

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