Les Grillades De Mamabé de Le Port

RéunionLes Grillades De Mamabé


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

21, Rue René Michel, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 66 61 44
site web: lesgrilladesdemamabe.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9367689, Longitude: 55.2935248

commentaires 5

  • VALETTE “Diane” Jacqueline

    VALETTE “Diane” Jacqueline


    Small Malagasy restaurant where you can taste delicious varied skewers as well as fruit tubers as in Madagascar or Mayotte. It's a delight. Prices are moderate. The service is fast. Victim of its own success, it is often fully booked. Also, I advise you to book 🙂 To discover without delay 😉

  • George Nixon

    George Nixon


    Good food, long time from the order to the delivery of our plates

  • MHK Construction

    MHK Construction


    Very tasty...need to wait long time for food.

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    Although most people come here for grilled items and fries I would recommend you try the Malagasy classic: romazava, it's both savory and healthy. Part of the dining room is a/c. Wall paintings nicely feature famous sceneries from "Mada". It's also a halal place, so it's not a bar; opens 11.30 am till 2.30 pm for lunch.

  • Munnawer Ravjani

    Munnawer Ravjani


    Good food & service

Restaurant la plus proche

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