Le ravinala de Le Port

RéunionLe ravinala



🕗 horaire

46b, Avenue de la Commune de Paris, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 58 64 48
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9390568, Longitude: 55.2907545

commentaires 5

  • alan turnbull

    alan turnbull


    Another wonderful place to enjoy lunch with good friends. The food was very tasty and filling. Thank you for a relax time.

  • Cécile Ro

    Cécile Ro


    Small family restaurant (it is advisable to book for lunch) well-cooked Malagasy and mainland dishes, homemade fries, hearty and good value for money. Friendly and friendly atmosphere. I recommend !!

  • Rachel Haigh

    Rachel Haigh


    Regrettably we don't speak French so didn't really know what we were ordering. Every dish was delicious and staff were attentive. Absolutely recommend

  • Nadine Cascade

    Nadine Cascade


    I go there regularly with my daddy. The dishes are always well served and good.

  • Aurélia



    The restaurant doesn't look like much on the outside, but you can go inside without hesitation. Hearty meals for excellent value for money. I took the tuna with the house mash. A delight. The staff is also very welcoming and friendly. For a Creole meal, this is an excellent address, congratulations to the cook!

Restaurant la plus proche

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