La Kaz Lucian de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionLa Kaz Lucian



🕗 horaire

21, Rue Louis Desjardin (Rd 4), 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 66 08 54
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9779033, Longitude: 55.3295498

commentaires 5

  • Paul Jouzeau

    Paul Jouzeau


    Very tasty and filling péi meal

  • Nicolas J

    Nicolas J


    Plate overflowing with good things, boss all smiles: a great stopover to eat in Saint Paul.

  • Luciano Wionmont

    Luciano Wionmont


    Very warm welcome, good food. Good continuation to zot. We will come back...

  • Thalie Thalie

    Thalie Thalie


    Very good typical Reunion cuisine Friendly boss, good value for money, on the spot or to take away. I recommend.

  • M LeKwi

    M LeKwi


    From the reception, to the kitchen, including the musical atmosphere, the owner takes care of everything. A good stopover at noon for a meal with colleagues or alone. We gladly leave with a tray for the evening. Apparently, there is also an evening atmosphere on weekends. The room is vast. It's simple and it's very good.

Restaurant la plus proche

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