Les Delices du Moulin Joli de La Possession

RéunionLes Delices du Moulin Joli



🕗 horaire

11, Rue Moulin Joli, 97419, La Possession, Canton de la Possession, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 38 91 98
site web: www.delices-moulin-joli.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.954258, Longitude: 55.3244327

commentaires 5

  • thierry Dambreville

    thierry Dambreville


    Large restaurant located in La Possession, its main asset is its large accessible car park. The kitchen is correct without more and the service is in the form of a buffet. What more can I say except that this restaurant does not deserve a particular detour...

  • Bruno Moreau

    Bruno Moreau


    Great Food

  • Christophe Viale

    Christophe Viale


    Worry-free parking, Eating in buffet mode, A correct place, a polite and helpful team, the diversity of the carrys is there but not all are at the level, some are average, little taste (massalé, pig's foot) the chicken à la chinoise which was marinated was very good, dessert in a plastic saucer.. good mix of ice cream and watermelon.... ...afterwards I think the price ratio is correct....

  • Martine RIBAIRA

    Martine RIBAIRA


    Pleasant welcome from the staff. Choice of varied dishes. We had chosen 6 different takeaway meals. Everyone found it good. It would have been better for two of us, if the rougail had not been forgotten 😉

  • Ti Coulouc

    Ti Coulouc


    The all-you-can-eat buffet formula is a good compromise for those who don't have much time for lunch. The choice of dishes is quite varied. The cuisine, mainly Creole, is correct.

Restaurant la plus proche

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