KFC Le Port de Le Port

RéunionKFC Le Port



🕗 horaire

35, Rue Joseph Richard, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9587474, Longitude: 55.3202257

commentaires 5

  • tcr “Fafa tec” fabie

    tcr “Fafa tec” fabie


    Hello b classic. It's good without more. The plus is having real good chicken, the fries are good. The prices are because of the ace so expensive compared to other known fast food. A menu at 8.30 euros, the tanks are necessarily more expensive between 15 and 50 euros which is still a bit expensive.

  • Romain Kleinprintz

    Romain Kleinprintz


    For me who knows this franchise well and who had gone my favorite in France. I can tell you that it's a shame to see products like this. What they call tenders are not, we wonder what products are used to make the chicken in the buggers as well as the prices charged. It is better to eat a tray or find yourself in another fast food restaurant in Reunion than to eat in this pseudo KFC

  • sano osaka

    sano osaka



  • Maeva JACQUET

    Maeva JACQUET



  • Thony Grondin

    Thony Grondin



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