CHEZ CANDICE de La Possession




🕗 horaire

41, Rue Jean Albany, 97419, La Possession, Canton de la Possession, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 55 08 51
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9564661, Longitude: 55.3365123

commentaires 5

  • Wallace 63

    Wallace 63


    A wonderful welcome and an "on demand" menu after a glass-bottle trip. Ideal.

  • Gabrielle Gamin

    Gabrielle Gamin


    Always greeted with a smile

  • X X

    X X


    Perfect welcome just 1 ham bread without fries 3€ Honestly to review first and last time I order my eat my peace because 3€ I can't find under the rock I'm not hiding I'm the one who was on a black bike remember my head because it's the last time I come I'm told on the phone an American 3€ I'm not the only one to have had the same problem

  • Nativel Romain

    Nativel Romain


    Quick order taking pity that we have no place to sit knowing that there were tables and chairs available

  • alban BELLARDANT

    alban BELLARDANT


    Great welcome by a very sociable, friendly and smiling landlady. His cooking is delicious. Recommended when returning from the Vert Bouteille walk to eat.

Restaurant la plus proche

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