Lodge Roche Tamarin & Spa Village Nature de La Possession

RéunionLodge Roche Tamarin & Spa Village Nature



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142, Chemin Boeuf Mort, 97419, La Possession, Canton de la Possession, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 44 66 88
site web: www.lodgetamarin.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9498479, Longitude: 55.341256

commentaires 5

  • Buhle yengwa

    Buhle yengwa


    Visiting Reunion Ireland from South Africa, this is the perfect place for you. Your home away from home.

  • Matthew M

    Matthew M


    It is very overpriced for the lack of quality. My room had zero views. The restaurant is below average and expensive. We asked them to book a taxi and they tried to give us a business card and asked us to do it ourselves and we had to ask them again to do it for us which they finally did. The reception closes at 7:30 and then there is no one there once the restaurant closes. One person speaks English in the entire place. Overall a very mediocre experience and not worth 256 euros a night.

  • Jakob Jørgensen

    Jakob Jørgensen


    When I think back at my visit at Lodge Roche Tamarin, isn't it the fantastic service, excellent food and delicious dessert I remember. I reserved a specific table with a view of the sunset two days before to have a kind of romantic celebration of my birthday with my partner and staff assured me it was a good choice - when we came, the table was taken and we were hurdled in the back of the restaurant. That's my souvenir of Lodge Roche Tamarin. It's a return if I'm invited, not by choice.

  • decousus thibault

    decousus thibault


    The massage was nice and the place is very atypical. However, the spa was not very clean, some hair in the jacuzzi. We miss the sun and could not enjoy the wonderful swimming pool. In a nutshell, we find it very expensive for what it is.

  • Diego De Lucia

    Diego De Lucia


    The reception close at 7pm, so if u have question u can wait. 12 hour. Internet isn't on the room. There isn't a shower. No protection for animal. 2 stars for nice place in the nature. Nice wood house bungalows. Just do more for service can be wonderful.

Lodging la plus proche

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