La caz' de Le Port

RéunionLa caz'



🕗 horaire

51, Rue Evariste de Parny, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 27 24 67
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9397182, Longitude: 55.2891044

commentaires 5

  • Freddy Etienne

    Freddy Etienne


    Eats very well but very small room, difficult to get along with the ambient hubbub, great traditional cuisine on the other hand.

  • Christophe Vivien

    Christophe Vivien


    Very good food, good service. a bit noisy

  • Hyacinthe LEGRAND

    Hyacinthe LEGRAND


    Good traditional Creole dishes. Noisy room when crowded.

  • Marie ALEZAN

    Marie ALEZAN


    Very very charming... excellent cuisine, remarkable welcome from a lady (the waitress) with a generous smile... incomparable decor... bravo

  • jean paul etangsale

    jean paul etangsale


    Very good Creole restaurant located in the west of the island. The dishes are generously served. The manager is very helpful. Very good quality pastry. Always a pleasure to have lunch in this establishment in a special setting.

Restaurant la plus proche

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