Ferme du Bel'Air de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionFerme du Bel'Air


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209, Chemin des Barrieres, 97411, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 33 72 66
site web: fermedubelair.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.018401, Longitude: 55.3295552

commentaires 5

  • Stephan Rothe (RR#66)

    Stephan Rothe (RR#66)


    Since dias Bel Air has been in new hands since January 1st, 2023, I cannot confirm any of the good reviews from the past few days. No room service - no bed cover so just a blanket. I doubt whether the ceiling will be washed for the next guests - it didn't look like it. So no spare toilet paper. Only the breakfast and dinner at the ex-owner's house was very informal and a positive experience. Jacuzzi on site, but overall cleanliness leaves a lot to be desired.

  • Klaus Töbelmann

    Klaus Töbelmann


    Fantastic accommodation with warm hosts who cater to every special request. They cooked extremely well for us for two days and we felt like we were part of the family. In addition, a whirlpool from which one could admire the sunset in the sea. Just fantastic

  • Hubifree



    The accommodation is 740 m above St. Paul. Furnishings are simple, but everything is there. There is a jacuzzi on the terrace overlooking the coast, which can be used by two rooms at a time. The quiet and rural location offers time to relax. Marie-Andree and Pierre lovingly look after their guests. We had a nice time with long conversations in the evening. If the weather is good, definitely plan a trip to the Maido.

  • Alejandro MENDEZ

    Alejandro MENDEZ


    Beautiful place perched in the sky with a beautiful breathtaking view of the Saint Paul coastline, lovely people who welcomed us with great warmth and kindness. We ate very well there and the icing on the cake, the owner of the place took up the guitar and we performed typical tunes from Reunion. We sang and danced. Unforgettable. We will go back next time. I recommend this place without any hesitation. In addition, one can also be very well accommodated with a lot of comfort. Many thanks to the owners!!

  • Maren K.

    Maren K.


    A beautiful place we visited in November 2017 with great views over the west coast and best of all wonderful hosts! Our room was more like an apartment, with an attached shared kitchen and a terrace where you can sit in the jacuzzi and enjoy the view over the countryside. fantastic! During dinner together with the other house guests we learned a lot about the island and the life of the people here. However, you should bring a little knowledge of French with you, then you will have more of it. ;) In addition to the very tasty food that Pierre and Marie-Andrée served us, there was also one or the other rhum arrangé.. Thank you for tous et au revoir!

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