Les appartements d'Amy de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionLes appartements d'Amy


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21, Rue Etienne Regnault, 97411, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 70 69 11
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9823555, Longitude: 55.3297161

commentaires 5

  • Elodie Wallois

    Elodie Wallois


    Spacious apartment, well equipped and very well located to be able to visit the island. Location close to all amenities (supermarkets, bakery, restaurant, etc.). Amy and her husband are caring hosts and always available. The calm and privacy are very appreciable. We highly recommend and will come back with great pleasure :)

  • Alex No

    Alex No


    We had an excellent 15-day stay in a beautiful, calm and peaceful environment, with a magnificent view of the sea and a superb swimming pool. The apartment is comfortable and the owners are charming. We will definitely go back there.

  • Anne Charlotte Lefebvre

    Anne Charlotte Lefebvre


    Excellent stay from December 7 to 20, 2020. On the heights, quiet, clean, well-equipped apartment. Very good bedding. The outside environment is top with an extremely well maintained swimming pool. The owners are very friendly and attentive. Recommended +++

  • StĂ©phanie (Steph34)

    Stéphanie (Steph34)


    Very good welcome. The owners are adorable. Clean and well located apartments. Quality services. We recommend and we will come back with pleasure.

  • benoĂźte Celle

    benoĂźte Celle


    Location at the top everything is well arranged for an ideal vacation even of dreams, they are attentive hosts to make your stay memorable, we recommend them a big congratulations for Amy's apartments

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