Citernes rouges oranger de Saint Paul

RéunionCiternes rouges oranger


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

8, Chemin Terrain Bleu, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9796716, Longitude: 55.3458987

commentaires 5

  • Nicolas Fraisse

    Nicolas Fraisse


    Attention, it seems that there are thefts in the cars. We had no problems leaving the car for 1 night.

  • Mira Da silva

    Mira Da silva


    Very nice hike, full of eyes, to sleep avoid the gîte jacquer the only gîte on your way, I do not recommend it is dirty, mediocre cuisine, cold reception, no presence of the boss, fatty sausage rougail not good, chicken curry only fatty wings, commercial chocolate cake dessert, no aperitif for our arrival, we had to ask for a rum twice after a meal. Breakfast coffee half baguette butter if all pffffff Leave no one to say goodbye to you have a nice day!! The rooms and showers be careful.!!

  • patrick figuin

    patrick figuin


    I had left for a carefree return to the Canal des Orangés then back, its a nice walk

  • N Coukan

    N Coukan


    By following the indications of Google Maps I arrived exactly at the place to ask. Arrived very early to have a small space, no parking space, park along the road.😁

  • Bruno DENIS

    Bruno DENIS


    Starting point for hiking not equipped for parking. Heavy trash everywhere. Bad image because entrance gate to the park

Lodging la plus proche

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