Chambres & table d'hĂŽtes Le Ruisseau de bois de nĂȘfles

RĂ©unionChambres & table d'hĂŽtes Le Ruisseau


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220 chemin des barriere bel air, saint paul, bois de nĂȘfles 97411, RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 90 20 29
site web:
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Latitude: -21.01773, Longitude: 55.327941

commentaires 5

  • Elodie DanĂšs

    Elodie DanĂšs


    We had a very good stay with Annick and Philippe who are warm and available hosts. They accommodated our breakfast time each day and we enjoyed their very very good creole carry chicken meal! The room is spacious and nicely decorated. We recommend this guest house for your stay.

  • Sandra R.

    Sandra R.


    The rooms were like the photos. The accommodation is already 10 years old, but is lovingly cared for and further developed. The great hospitality with which Anik and Philippe greet their guests is outstanding. We recommend. You can also book dinner on site. Then there is very tasty local foodđŸ‘đŸ»

  • Yannick KIBIO

    Yannick KIBIO


    What can I say except that we had a great experience going to RUISSEAU. Anick and Philippe have a sense of hospitality, offer excellent cuisine and devote all their time to their guests. Like their owners, the premises are warm, very clean and functional. I recommend 200% this beautiful stopover. Emily and Yannick

  • Evelyne Hue

    Evelyne Hue


    excellent stay with Annick and Philippe who are adorable and very professional hosts, everything was perfect! we really liked the view, the house, the nicely decorated room, and the excellent breakfast... we will be back soon Evelyne and GĂ©rard

  • ludovic laborde

    ludovic laborde


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