Chez Rico de Saint-Leu

RéunionChez Rico



🕗 horaire

264, Rue du General Lambert, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 45 96 46
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.177333, Longitude: 55.287697

commentaires 4

  • Ledrone Mini

    Ledrone Mini


    Reunionese street food. 4 stars for the really excellent value for money. Very generous portions. With a portion at 8 euros I could make two meals. The lady at the reception is really very friendly and talks to you while waiting for the dish... A good way for the "zoreille" to familiarize themselves with certain typical dishes. I've never eaten there so I can't judge the "restaurant" part, but the area is not lacking in pleasant places to eat your meal facing the sea!

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    Sunday: take away only, Creole trays.

  • Laura Brillet

    Laura Brillet


    The pizzas were good, thin crust

  • Alban “Alban V” V

    Alban “Alban V” V


    The food isn't bad. However, please remember to put soap and paper in your WC...

Restaurant la plus proche

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