Cabinet dentaire les poissons d'or Du Dr URBIN Marion de L'Étang-Salé

RéunionCabinet dentaire les poissons d'or Du Dr URBIN Marion



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125, Avenue Raymond Barre, 97427, L'Étang-Salé, Canton de l’Étang-Salé, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 44 86 43
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2637862, Longitude: 55.3633513

commentaires 5

  • Louisie Alcméon

    Louisie Alcméon


    Doctor Urbin is very professional: explains, gives advice and during the intervention she explains so we feel reassured Yes orthodontics has a price but I do not think that the doctor is commercial as I have read in other comments. She's passionate, that's for sure. Bravo for the work done for my crown and I can't wait for you to take care of my misaligned teeth. In addition, the team is top, they say hello phew it reassures me because often here too many dental offices are gas factories!

  • Fabrice Baillif

    Fabrice Baillif


    Dental office really at the top, neat work, fast very good advice for impeccable dental hygiene. I would like to thank Doctor Marion URBIN for her professionalism, but also to her entire team, who are very responsive and attentive to our needs. You made me smile again and it didn't take. Thank you. Firm that I recommend to all of you who are looking for dental perfection.

  • Stephane Dumont

    Stephane Dumont


    Excellent office, I highly recommend. The whole team is competent and all very kind. They took the time to explain everything to me in order to take care of my dental hygiene. The practitioner reassured me and took a long time to do the treatment in its entirety. My tooth was very well cared for and the aesthetic result is very good. I recommend to everyone.

  • adeline ha-xuan sinh

    adeline ha-xuan sinh


    Very well. Fast. I just recommend not chewing plastic against teeth clenching Because it wears out the incisors, be careful to measure the size of this plastic which can cause the gums to recede. The last needs to be changed, it's the wrong size, the first was the right size but very thin, but the second stiffer one is no longer adequate, I even think there's a problem with gripping measurement (IT) or at the supplier level. Very good overall, all the people who go there from me are satisfied, I'm taking my mom there soon... We will see, it is very difficult.

  • POINCET Sébastien

    POINCET Sébastien


    Leaving the office in tears with a devitalized tooth, bandaged, but no time to finish, come back in 7 days... 7 days of pain. Wrong size crown, I couldn't chew on it. Obliged to go see another dentist to recover everything 800th lost and 2 half-days of waiting. In short, go elsewhere

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