Cabinet Dentaire Benjamin DUBIEF de L'Étang-Salé

RéunionCabinet Dentaire Benjamin DUBIEF



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54, Rue Octave Benard, 97427, L'Étang-Salé, Canton de l’Étang-Salé, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 70 61 05
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.265666, Longitude: 55.3342808

commentaires 5

  • caroline bourges

    caroline bourges


    Patient very satisfied with the care of Dr. Sharifi, my appointments have always been honored on time, he listens to our expectations, and the care has always been painless. I highly recommend.

  • Stéphanie Vienne

    Stéphanie Vienne


    Incredibly kind, caring, very clear and reassuring practitioner! Following a fall while skating, repair of my 12-year-old daughter's incisors, the result is striking! Very caring team!

  • Alizée Mary

    Alizée Mary


    I consulted Dr. Dubief, his assistant and he are adorable and very patient. I am scared to death of the dentist and they have been so understanding and patient. It's soft and doesn't hurt. You can go there with your eyes closed

  • sandrine moukine

    sandrine moukine


    Hello, late for a quarter of an hour because I drop my son off at school, I get scolded and it's too much because it makes the dentist lose money. It only heals one tooth. So I'm not profitable. Hippocratic Oath is forgotten for sure. Money first.

  • Seb Ubo

    Seb Ubo


    Great dentist and very nice assistant! Not even badly, whereas I am terrified of dentists. Thanks a lot!

Dentiste la plus proche

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