Cabinet Dentaire Decis-Sans de L'Étang-Salé

RéunionCabinet Dentaire Decis-Sans



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96 avenue Raymond Barre Etang Salé (L, L'Étang-Salé 97427, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 22 32 62
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2645841, Longitude: 55.3654482

commentaires 5

  • fontaine guy

    fontaine guy



  • Amandine Rupert

    Amandine Rupert


    The secretary not even understanding on the phone who is in a hurry to hang up loool. Yet we are talking about an emergency for a child

  • Cindy Lefillastre

    Cindy Lefillastre


    Alexandre Decis Dentist very pleasant professional being phobic of dental care he reassured me...

  • JDay VLR

    JDay VLR


    Me having the phobia of dentists, this office remains my best experience that I have lived, warm welcome, smile h24, careful and painless intervention. I thank them for their professionalism and for their care.⭐

  • Jérôme Brunel

    Jérôme Brunel


    Very satisfied with the care provided. The doctor takes the time to provide care, always with great gentleness. Never any pain, not even for the bites. Also with lots of explanations. And icing on the cake: always on time. It's always stressful to go to the dentist, but at the same time reassuring to be in good hands.

Dentiste la plus proche

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