Cabinet Mondon & Nirlo (Chirurgiens-Dentistes) de Saint-Louis

RéunionCabinet Mondon & Nirlo (Chirurgiens-Dentistes)



🕗 horaire

129, N1C, 97450, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 26 14 88
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2874896, Longitude: 55.4093178

commentaires 3

  • Max G&K

    Max G&K


    Not able to hold a wire in your mouth, the wire is then hurtful and can literally make you lose your tongue, you remove it after 2 hours of suffering (just to remove it) and after the orthodontist yells at you saying that maybe you should just walk away and never come back. (in addition st-louis is boring: to park, to drive, to get out, to enter in short st-louis is not crazy to do things there) is not for fun! (plus you're not just paying a little to do that and at the stage where the assistant works better than you actually resigns).

  • tobemyself



    Making an appointment is useless. After an hour and a half, I get impatient and I am told that there are two other patients ahead of me. I changed dentists, I had an appointment on the phone at another dental practice while I was waiting. This cabinet has become the factory!

  • Maurice Bernard

    Maurice Bernard


Dentiste la plus proche

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