Cabinet dentaire de Saint-Pierre

RéunionCabinet dentaire



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37, Rue du Pere Maitre, 97432, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 42 60 90
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2849253, Longitude: 55.4681902

commentaires 5

  • mikaelle hoareau

    mikaelle hoareau


    A big thank you to the dentist Smeulders Lucas and his assistant Fanny, for the placement of implants made today. Professional, attentive, takes the time to explain everything, building trust. I am very satisfied and I recommend it.

  • desby veronique

    desby veronique


    I advise against Dr. Fleury: a very disrespectful person, bordering on aggressiveness, which is not the case with his colleagues who nevertheless support Dr. Fleury's behavior. Resin fell 2 times in 2 months, hoping that the 3rd will be final. Welcome from the secretaries. I did not feel a patient/caregiver approach but rather a client/provider one.

  • Camille Arroqui

    Camille Arroqui


    The firm is very welcoming as a whole, both to the secretariat and to the practitioners. More particularly, the dentist, Dr. Degans, as well as his dental assistant are very competent, gentle and attentive and took very good care of me.

  • Donoo Vhz

    Donoo Vhz


    Good job ! 💪🏻

  • Adelys L

    Adelys L


    I made an appointment to remove a wisdom tooth. (first time). I was not very serene even if it is an ordinary surgery for some. Was sent away without being cleaned (blood on the cheek) and without any advice and recommendation from the doctor. No prescription either. The secretary had "forgotten". I had to drive with my face anesthetized to pick up the prescription and then go to the pharmacy. No excuses.

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