Dr Jean-Bernard GALVES, Orthodontiste spécialiste qualifié. Dr Stéphane LAURENT de Le Tampon

RéunionDr Jean-Bernard GALVES, Orthodontiste spécialiste qualifié. Dr Stéphane LAURENT



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5, Rue Victor Hugo, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 57 25 80
site web: orthodontie.strikingly.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2817595, Longitude: 55.5218488

commentaires 5

  • Alisson Gigant

    Alisson Gigant


    The wait for a first appointment is quite long. The office is clean. The orthodontist is professional. For regulations, no credit card for Doctor Galves, you must pay either in cash or by check.

  • Alisson LEBON GIGANT

    Alisson LEBON GIGANT


    The time to have an appointment (especially the 1st) is long. For the regulations, Doctor Galves does not take credit cards, so you have to pay either by check or by cash. As for the prices, they are high (normal for an orthodontist). The office is clean.

  • Lydie Duverger

    Lydie Duverger


  • Sara MORICE

    Sara MORICE


    Lack of professionalism. It's a shame, Mr. Galves allows himself to openly mock my fiance about the state of his teeth while continuing to consult his mouth. The inappropriate remarks fuse. Then when I try to make him understand that it makes my fiancĂ© uncomfortable who is already complexed, he decides to end the appointment and kick us out on the pretext that it is his way of doing things. and not otherwise. He obviously did not apologize for his more than deplorable attitude. Subsequently the reception agents tried to force us to pay a sum of nearly 30€ while the consultation had been interrupted. A dentist is a dental doctor, he is paid for that and not to denigrate the patients who seek him. It is a great shame for this firm. I absolutely do not recommend

  • Emi Li

    Emi Li


    The orthodontist galves (the man) he is extremely violent, he really hurts my teeth my lips were chapped and it hurt now it hurts even more. In addition he has 0 empathy towards you everything he wants it is money. Because if it wasn't for the money it wouldn't have hurt, the rest of the team is sweet and nice apart from him? Incredible that.

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