Villa Maido de St PAUL La réunion

RĂ©unionVilla Maido



🕗 horaire

Hameau de Corbara - PLATEAU CAILLOU, 18 Rue de l’Ile Rousse, St PAUL La rĂ©union 97460
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 09 43 62
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0283303, Longitude: 55.2762187

commentaires 5

  • de

    Volker Schwannecke


    Hier lohnt sich der Urlaub

  • Amsi Poonoosamy

    Amsi Poonoosamy


    Trop cool pour les vacances de l'été ! ! !

  • Rims Recho

    Rims Recho


    We have been there with my wife for a couple of nights and two years after we are still thinking of it... The house is wonderful, both modern but typical with an incredible view on the see. The bedroom was clean and well designed, with absolutely all what you need! The property itself was really convenient with a jacuzzi, an awesome dark pool with the same incredible view and a very nice terrace. And to conclude, the owners were simply welcoming, friendly and helping. We really felt like we were at home but transposed in paradise.

  • en

    Patie.t Moua Dza


  • Helmut KrĂ€mer

    Helmut KrÀmer


    Geheimtipp! FĂŒrsorglicher Service durch den Chef des Hauses. Sehr gutes FrĂŒhstĂŒck. Einmal einige Tage im Paradies sein.

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