Le Kerveguen de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionLe Kerveguen



🕗 horaire

84, Avenue de la Croix du Sud, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 33 00 50
site web: www.lekerveguen.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0609913, Longitude: 55.2298904

commentaires 5

  • Fleur des Îles 974

    Fleur des Îles 974


    Nice hotel Well put Very clean room! On the other hand, far too many paid additional services (nexpresso pods for example and the kitchenette area as well (10€ in addition if it is used when it is not specified in the ad...) Parking a bit small Very nice staff The bathroom needs a facelift. Average bedding.

  • Kaylah Gibbons

    Kaylah Gibbons


    The room was lovely and so was the bathroom. We had a cute balcony with a lovely view. Our package at least included a bar fridge but for the rest of the kitchenette you had to pay extra. There was also a shop right across the road, which turned out to be a life saver as there are no bar services available at the accommodation and it was at least a 20 minute walk to the main beachfront area.

  • patrick nettlebay

    patrick nettlebay


    Poorly located hotel, good for 1 or 2 night stays. very noisy at night. Does not look like anything on the web pics. Staff is good but no restaurants “near by”. Internet speed non existant.

  • Gabriela Vitaskova

    Gabriela Vitaskova


    Very nice hotel, the stuff is very friendly and helpful. The room is really big and comfortable, every morning we recieved our breakfest almost to the bed đŸ€­đŸ˜†

  • MichaƂ Siekierski

    MichaƂ Siekierski


    Nice place with reasonable prices. Very helpful staff. Far away from centre but it offers free minibus to get to the beach or a restaurant.

Lodging la plus proche

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