VeLouThim Apartments de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionVeLouThim Apartments


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63, Rue des Sables, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 01 11 11
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Latitude: -21.0415388, Longitude: 55.2175824

commentaires 5

  • Mimitilla rouen

    Mimitilla rouen


    Very warm welcome from Joyce who is very responsive and attentive to her guests. Accommodation very well located by the sea, and pleasant to live in, spacious and of high quality. The premises and the swimming pool are superbly maintained and in very good taste, a very exotic little corner of paradise
 We recommend this place which is exceptional!

  • Tony Laravine

    Tony Laravine


    1 to flee!!!! Reviews about VeLouThim Apartments You will appreciate the beauty of the place if you know how to ignore the exorbitant price and the disrespect of the hostess. As much as the sun is omnipresent, as much it seems embittered by life and Reunion, in all my travels I have never seen so little professionalism, sense of welcome, negative ideas, whining, lack to smile, and despite the price bordering on the scam asked, the owner had the disrespect and rudeness to ride on her high horse for a reason as futile as her sourness is on edge!!!! Traveller, go your way, unless shouting, disrespect, smugness, bitterness, are an integral part of your vacation plan... Just one piece of advice for the owner, change your profession Madam, and going to the end of the world will not erase all the acidity that surrounds your life, the problem is not here or elsewhere, it is in the detestable filter which prevents you to smile at life, to see the sun shine and to appreciate human relationships and not just mercantile ones... For beautiful and friendly holidays run away!!!!!!

  • ben salah amal

    ben salah amal


    An idyllic setting for a unique stay. Everything was perfect, the accommodations are spotless and very well appointed. Many thanks to Joyce for her professionalism and kindness.

  • ludivine lasaone

    ludivine lasaone


    A unique and idyllic place we had a wonderful stay at Velou Thim. With my friend, we will definitely come back and we warmly recommend the establishment. The welcome is very warm, a quality host, the service is very neat. We have adored. Ludivine and Denis

  • J. G.

    J. G.


    SCAM!!! This accommodation is a huge scam! The only goal of the owner is to make a profile, even if it means modifying the reservations of the customers without informing them because she has rented the accommodation to the highest bidder. No words, no professionalism, no friendliness! Framework seems pleasant but small accommodation for some with WC too small to sit on, shower too small for two, no toilet paper or paper towel. Ask to do the cleaning to make the accommodation as clean as on arrival and to fold the laundry while we pay 55 euros in cleaning costs. Very dirty cutlery and cooking utensils. Housing with dust. The one on the side of the road is noisy between cars and other tenants who constantly pass in front of them to go out or go to the garbage room which is next to the terrace. IN summary this accommodation is the worst ever visited during all my travels around the world. Not recommended!!! Value for money way too high! And unprofessional owner!!!!!

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