Hôtel & Spa Le Saint Alexis de Saint-Gilles les Bains

RéunionHôtel & Spa Le Saint Alexis


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Rue du Boucan Canot, 97434, Saint-Gilles les Bains, RE Reunion
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 24 42 04
site web: www.hotelsaintalexis.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.030489, Longitude: 55.224872

commentaires 5

  • en

    Luc De Quelen



  • Peter Fuesselberger

    Peter Fuesselberger


    The Saint Alexis is mid size hotel right on the beach just a short walk from bars and restaurants. The structure has articulate system of interconnected pools wich is helpful since water activities in the sea are forbidden. That's because of frequent shark attacks in the waters surounding the island. Myself i had a suite with sea view and bathtub/whirlpool but no shower. The room itself was spacious but slightly outdated. My room and communal spaces where clean, staff is very friendly but mostly speak french. There is a dress code at the bar and the restaurant for dinner. No shorts, no muscle shirts, no flip flops. Otherwise the hotel is conducted in a intimate and family like way. From the airport it takes about 45 min by car in low traffic, 1h30 at rush hour. Yes i would stay there again!

  • en

    Carly Donald


    Really great swimming pool, beautiful beach and the best room service food I've ever eaten!

  • Andreas Puenguentzky

    Andreas Puenguentzky


    Directly on the beach. Phantastic view, if you are lucky you see whales while having breakfast. Food is excelent. Would recommend it anytime

  • karin Smit

    karin Smit


    Wonderful! We loved it. Famalie of 4 stayed ower New year week. Beautifull clean rooms with either sea or pool view. Pool is always perfect clean and available 24/7. Restaurant is word class and menus also available in English. Staff very friendly and try to help in English. We will recommend going

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