Appartement Tidodo-re de Saint Paul

RéunionAppartement Tidodo-re


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26, Rue du Grand Hôtel, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 91 44 19
site web:
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Latitude: -21.0313273, Longitude: 55.2270036

commentaires 3

  • Fanny Antunes

    Fanny Antunes


    Very nice apartment, clean, very well equipped. The owner is very attentive to his tenants and very discreet. The apartment is only 5 minutes walk from Boucan Canot beach, and the view from the terrace is splendid. We warmly recommend this apartment and will return this year without hesitation. Fanny and Francis

  • Lisette Mercereau

    Lisette Mercereau


    I had the pleasure of rediscovering my island twice. In May and October. It was a good vacation. And the reception conditions were very pleasant. No surprises regarding the appt. All descriptions matched. Fully equipped. Clean, pleasant. Private parking in closed residence. Except for a small flat, a basket to be provided for dirty laundry. Not far from the beach, shops, restaurants, you can walk there. A bus stop if you want to visit the surroundings. It's great for activities. Hiking, mountain biking, excursions etc. . Or else just relax on the beaches of Saline les Bains, Saint Gilles les Bains etc... And don't forget to go for a walk on the big market of Saint Paul, Saint Pierre. Thanks again to you Mr Rouchi for this warm welcome and to the people I met on my way. My choice will therefore be more on a 4, 5 🌟 Mary Charming 🙂

  • jean claude mira

    jean claude mira


    We had two stays in this pretty, clean, bright and pleasant apartment, the last of which was in 2019. Very functional: sheets and towels provided, washing machine, TV, etc... Located 500 meters from the beach in a quiet and sunny residence with small shops nearby. We appreciated its small terrace with a view of the park of the residence and the sea. We will return with pleasure for a future stay.

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