Ylang Ylang Hotel de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionYlang Ylang Hotel


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28 A, Rue Eugene Dayot, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 33 18 66
site web: www.hotelylangylang.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0442718, Longitude: 55.221163

commentaires 5

  • Bernard Cleradin

    Bernard Cleradin


    Perfect stay Béa and Hervé are adorable and attentive to make the stay pleasant. Very clean hotel, gargantuan breakfast and the swimming pool at 30°. Thank you for your welcome . Bernard

  • orlane laine

    orlane laine


    Stay for our perfect honeymoon in this establishment. HervĂ© and BĂ©atrice are adorable. (Let's not forget coco 😍) Breakfast with homemade cakes a pure delight. We recommend this establishment 100% And as a bonus, a heated swimming pool, what more could you ask for.

  • Marylene Pinchon

    Marylene Pinchon


    Great little hotel with great hospitality from the owners. The room we had was small but fine. Some comments speak of the inconvenience of the nearby expressway but did not bother us closed door. The swimming pool is at a perfect 30°, the very colorful dining area is available to customers to vary the restaurants which are rather well thought out by the owners. the breakfasts are hearty for the price, the homemade cakes. Nice discovery.

  • Up To Date Jewellers

    Up To Date Jewellers


    Quite place nice for relax , breakfast 2/10, room 4/10, location 2/10

  • N. P.

    N. P.


    Friendly staff, clean rooms, fresh towels daily, bed wasn't very comfortable but at least no noise from the neighbours. Rooms on the pool side (instead of road) are much quieter but you can still hear vehicles on the road at breakfast time. Breakfast was better than we expected consisting of basic bread cheese butter and the like. Jams and yoghurt and cereal too. Coffee machine free at breakfast. Can use kitchen to cook or heat own food which is handy. Great location; short driving distance from several beaches on the West coast. Loved it here.

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