Smöoy St-Benoît de Saint-Benoît

RéunionSmöoy St-Benoît



🕗 horaire

182, Chemin Jean Robert, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 83 10 91
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0341251, Longitude: 55.7043563

commentaires 5

  • Desire Robert

    Desire Robert


    Arrivals at 5:30 p.m. The waitresses tell us that they are firm. While it's 6:00 p.m. being on vacation in the island it's really ridiculous. If you don't want to serve change job.

  • Mat Moissa

    Mat Moissa


    We tried to eat an ice cream on a Saturday at 5 p.m. but between the waitress who leaves to call us and the second who explains to us that they don't have much left because it's closing soon (1 hour later in reality) the atmosphere was given immediately. Instead of speculos crepes we were treated to caramel crepes... At 5:30 p.m. the tables were all lined up and potential customers were kindly turned away. In short I do not recommend this place, there are much better elsewhere!

  • Marie Paule

    Marie Paule


    Very disappointed, by the reception already. No forks to eat the waffle, uncooked crepe. We must have put more than half in the trash. Bananas really badly cut on the waffle and the crepe. We will definitely not return to this place.

  • Mahira et Haza

    Mahira et Haza


    It's very very good 😋😋😋 welcomes very welcoming people ❤️❤️❤️ I'll come back for sure 💞💞💞 that was so good 😋😋😋💕💕💞💞 and say it's the first time

  • Marie Patricia Trules

    Marie Patricia Trules


    For the first time I loved it, great welcome they take the time for each customer frankly top... a wide choice of products... for the greedy here is a place... and it's open on Sunday 😋😋

Restaurant la plus proche

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