L'Olive Bleue Café de Saint-Benoît

RéunionL'Olive Bleue Café



🕗 horaire

12 bis, Rue Georges Pompidou, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 28 97 96
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.033708, Longitude: 55.713381

commentaires 5

  • 김도연



    I am so happy to discover this cafe today! because it's the best place around. you can have a nice meal and a coffee and a desert. the owner is super nice and friendly. I would like to come here every day. I am so happy to find out this cafe today! because this is the best place around. you can have a nice meal and coffee and desert. the owner is super kind and friendly. I would like to come here everyday.

  • Malborrio



    The food is really top, but the server is absolutely deplorable, rude and haughty. Although we understand the difficulty of performing the service alone, this one allows us to verbally attack us for having asked for an explanation on the 1 hour delay. Establishment to frequent as it is not there.

  • Patrick Fernandés Da-Silva

    Patrick Fernandés Da-Silva


    Young owners, minimalist cuisine, fresh products, homemade fruit juices. Very tasty, affordable prices. Come and visit this place Saturday Sunday they even do brunch hummmm

  • Calcine Samuel

    Calcine Samuel


    Very very well received despite a late arrival shifting their end of service. Good dishes. Very friendly environment. A definite asset for the town of Saint-Benoit.

  • FABIAN Mitrache

    FABIAN Mitrache


    It is the first welcoming place to have a bite on the east coast of the island! You have Julien as master cook who is able to offer you a great taste at a low price and Olivier to offer you his charming smile while setting the table. A small touch of warmth is there also for you through the plants (real ones) on the tables! The prices are more than affordable. You can find the vegetarian day on Friday and Wednesday. I don"t think they serve alcoholic drinks! Good choice for us, we will definitely return!

Restaurant la plus proche

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