BOSPHORE KEBAB de Saint-Benoît




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Beaulieu, Saint-Benoît 97470, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 47 10 18
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0361672, Longitude: 55.7052977

commentaires 5

  • Sharon TECHER

    Sharon TECHER


    The Turkish bosphorus 2 .. who is in st andré No page on the networks no website .. the address lé a st Benoît Deguelas kebab.. cold bread preparation in 30 seconds.. out of sauce.. in the end I took white sauce, it was all thick with a sour taste.. the meat tasteless without feeling.. No gloves.. we put the kebab on the table without underneath to wait for the fries ... no quality !!!!!!!!!! The worst kebab in addition to being very expensive.. Coméla la reunion ninport who wins there rouv a restaurant throws me 12euros!!!!!

  • danie lacata

    danie lacata


    The taste of the kebab is great, nothing to say on this point. On the other hand, the dose of meat in the kebab is pitiful!! You have to pray with every bite that you're going to come across a piece of meat. 1 out of 3 clogged we feel no taste of meat. It's sad for the so called "best kebab on the island" personally I won't buy any more kebabs with you. KDK just next door filled the bread with the meat... I got what I paid for. I will go to the competition, because when I eat a kebab I want to smell the meat. Yours was really too light in meat. Return your doses of meat before losing all the customers of Saint André. A 20 second walk is better.

  • Hamza Mohamed

    Hamza Mohamed


    Best kebab

  • Jean-Loup Florimond

    Jean-Loup Florimond


    Good kebabs, but I'll have to think about renting a machine for the cb, especially in times of covid...

  • Nano Rajiv

    Nano Rajiv


    Strong point: the lamb meat. Weak point: the bread looks homemade, but the impression that it has been thawed, hard to bite! And a bit cold. Low amount of meat! Price of €9.50 for the lamb kebab alone. An armed robbery. Absolutely flee. Conclusion: I advise you to eat at KDK Saint André. No employees with masks! Covid zot i know???

Restaurant la plus proche

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