Roseaux des Sables de L'Étang-SalĂ©

RĂ©unionRoseaux des Sables


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2, Avenue de L Ocean, 97427, L'Étang-SalĂ©, Canton de l’Étang-SalĂ©, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 91 79 79
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Latitude: -21.2648075, Longitude: 55.3345056

commentaires 5

  • RĂ©gis Bourbonnais

    RĂ©gis Bourbonnais


    We rented a bungalow for 7 nights. In reality there is only one bedroom upstairs which is on the mezzanine and not two independent bedrooms... The bungalow is very old, dirty and poorly maintained. The location is very noisy (cars, trucks, motorcycles...). I do not recommend this rental.

  • Lucky 75

    Lucky 75


    Very good welcome from floralys, Supper time with the family, from 1 chalet for 4 pdt 3 nights, very large room and large sofa bed for my large children. There is everything you need for 1 supper stay. Very clean, air conditioning, nice swimming pool. We recommend the oasis restaurant, supper welcome, very good and good atmosphere.

  • Benoit Allard

    Benoit Allard


    Very enjoyable 3 night stay! The swimming pool in the center of the chalets was much appreciated by the whole family, as well as the large swimming pool on the Floralys side. The continental breakfast taken at the Floralys was top notch, but the Ă  la carte lunch menu is to be avoided!

  • ludovic de langlard

    ludovic de langlard


    2 stars to see it would reflect the image of this very dilapidated hotel, swimming pool room... The worst remains the rooms without shutters, lights at 5:30 a.m., shower with curtains and very damaged cabin, furniture swelling with the water in the bathroom. .. I strongly order for the price .... And the 3 stars of this hotel I wonder how they did. On the other hand, we cannot withdraw their ideal locations.

  • LUNA



    Great with the peaceful bungalow family cold pool but with the sun it's ok đŸ‘Œâ˜€ïžđŸ˜ŽđŸŠ â™‚ïžđŸŸ

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