Le Bambou 1&2 - 35mÂČ avec jardin de Les Avirons

RĂ©unionLe Bambou 1&2 - 35mÂČ avec jardin



🕗 horaire

22 bis, Chemin Boyer, 97425, Les Avirons, Canton de l’Étang-SalĂ©, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 83 00 50
site web: www.keylodge.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.220701, Longitude: 55.344529

commentaires 5

  • ValĂ©rie Savin

    Valérie Savin


    Superb lodgings in the heights (which allows to have a little freshness at night). We rented the cottage overlooking the ocean for 15 days, it's a marvel. It is very functional, clean and well equipped. The owners are adorable, they welcomed us with a fresh fruit cocktail and Victoria pineapple. 🍍đŸč They are very helpful, discreet and give good advice. I recommend the cottage without any problem for a wonderful stay! We will definitely come back! Thank you Samuel and Sabrina for this stay.

  • jean pierre CASSEY

    jean pierre CASSEY


    Brilliant ... and Mr Potato who visits us every morning ... adorable.

  • Stephane Poirier

    Stephane Poirier


    A very warm welcome with cold drinks on our arrival. A beautiful setting, ideal for escaping the heat of the coast. Discreet and very attentive owners, good advice for visiting their island.

  • Joel Jilet

    Joel Jilet


    Very nice place. Heartwarming welcome. Place well on the height to escape the edge heat. Odds

  • Marie Louise GAUDIN

    Marie Louise GAUDIN


    Very nice place, very warm welcome. Fakir has just passed, it is a protected place.

Lodging la plus proche

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