CHEZ MAMIE de Avirons




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371, Route des Vacoas, 97425, Avirons, Canton de l’Étang-Salé, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 38 00 39
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.22182, Longitude: 55.344958

commentaires 5

  • Virginie Kernel

    Virginie Kernel


    Super friendly hosts. Beautiful setting. Thank you grandma and grandpa

  • Cléa Gagelin

    Cléa Gagelin


    Exceptional stay at grandma's! The hosts are adorable and it is more than pleasant to spend moments of exchange with them! The setting is beautiful and relaxing with a breathtaking view of the ocean Sully makes it a point of honor to take us for a walk in his garden, teaching us all there is to know about his different trees! Highly recommend, everything was perfect!

  • pascale f

    pascale f


    Very warm welcome: Grandma is a discreet and attentive hostess, Sully is a happy fellow who maintains her garden beautifully. We had a lot of fun with our conversations during the meal and the breakfasts. The spa is top notch with stunning ocean views. Our stay has refreshed us and we highly recommend the cottage. Pascale and Jean-Loup

  • nicole guillaumin

    nicole guillaumin


    A very pleasant table d'hôtes, at Mamie and Sully's who received us with great kindness and friendly hospitality. The breakfast is perfect, quality products, homemade and home-grown fruit.

  • Stéphane DHALLUIN

    Stéphane DHALLUIN


    Site in the heights with magnificent views Home at the top Thank you to our hosts for their kindness, their welcome, we feel like family I recommend without hesitation !!! Far too short a stay in your home And congratulations again for this beautiful garden! Happy New Year 2018! Stephane & Frank

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