Restaurant CÎté Seine de Saint-Denis

RéunionRestaurant CÎté Seine



🕗 horaire

54, Rue Sainte-Anne, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 23 42 68
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8811129, Longitude: 55.4538602

commentaires 5

  • Didier Hebert

    Didier Hebert


    Excellent address. Pleasant setting, discreet and efficient service. The dishes are very fine, the presentation of the plates sought. Remarkable desserts. Only the addition is a bit heavy.

  • Wissem Marzougui

    Wissem Marzougui


    Excellent ! The value for money is unbeatable. Pleasant, warm and helpful staff. The quality is present in the plates, the subtlety between the flavors... it's a magical moment not to be missed!

  • Lydie



    Until now a reference on St Denis and for good reason, I invited my sister for her birthday and alas what a disappointment! Barely started the aperitif, after 5 minutes following the dishes arrive. Shipping feeling in the service. The dishes were little worked, very basic and obviously the prices remain high. What a shame!

  • Congyu Wang

    Congyu Wang


    Wonderful experience in this French restaurant I. St Denis. The Soufflé au Grand Marnier was fantastic! 5 stars!!!

  • LA Viale

    LA Viale


    Bucolic and classy setting, pleasant welcome, attentive staff without being intrusive ... the dishes served were excellent and original. Of remarkable quality, the products used have been sublimated by the cook. I recommend this restaurant which is undoubtedly one of the best addresses in Saint-Denis.

Restaurant la plus proche

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