
🕗 horaire

79, Rue FĂ©lix Guyon, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 20 94 73
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8798449, Longitude: 55.4538469

commentaires 5

  • Alison alison

    Alison alison


    Crew not welcoming, poor organization. Before picking up my order I saw several people complaining about their order.

  • Mew Erina

    Mew Erina


    I was served almost 1 hour of waiting, I almost threw up, seller who eats food in secret

  • Weronika Wolny

    Weronika Wolny


    0! The boug is more playing on his phone than making an account with his customers. Run away x)

  • Rayan Ahamadi

    Rayan Ahamadi


    Kebab too hard to eat due to open bread on both sides. The meat doesn't taste like kebab at all, the cheddar is horrible makes the sandwich hard to chew. Avoid, it gave me stomach aches

  • Orlando Jean

    Orlando Jean


    Expensive for what it is. I ordered a naan kebab menu at €9.40: the fries are not good and borderline cold, the sandwich I was expecting a naan, and surprise I'm entitled to a kind of tortilla. The sandwich was more like a wrap than a naan. I took no pleasure in eating this kebab. So if we're talking about quantity, it's clearly not their strong point. In short... disappointed.

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