Ô Bar de Saint-Denis

RéunionÔ Bar



🕗 horaire

34, Rue de la Compagnie, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 52 57 88
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8781248, Longitude: 55.4504563

commentaires 5

  • Brendan W

    Brendan W


    Great restaurant! The food was very good. I would definitely recommend!

  • Ece MuratoÄŸlu

    Ece MuratoÄŸlu


    Just went for a drink Nice atmosphere, friendly service cocktails were great dessert looks better than it tastes.

  • Gahee Filet

    Gahee Filet


    The food was absolutely amazing, ambience was top notch, and the staff were very friendly. The bathroom facilities were very clean. Nothing to complain about!

  • Pernille Dohlmann

    Pernille Dohlmann


    Nice atmosphere, good Food, really good drinks, friendly staff. We were there both to eat and drink. We hadn't booked in advance but arrived quite early (about 19.00) and got a table. For later arrival, reservation is probably a good idea. Quite pricy.

  • Matthew Croft

    Matthew Croft


    Excellent food, service and atmosphere. Highly recommended for a casual dining experience with top notch food and cocktails.

Restaurant la plus proche

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