Mont Glacier Saint-Pierre de Saint-Pierre

RéunionMont Glacier Saint-Pierre



🕗 horaire

13, Rue Marius et Ary Leblond, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 96 74 22
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.338777, Longitude: 55.478077

commentaires 5

  • Marion Feneyrol

    Marion Feneyrol


    Super !!

  • Emile Bruneau

    Emile Bruneau


    The ice cream is good, nothing to complain about! But the room upstairs is really not terrible, even anxiety-provoking. And when you take to eat on the spot, you are served in cardboard pots and disposable dishes, including glasses of water etc… really too bad it spoils the pleasure of tasting:/

  • Begue “Mikab06” Mickael

    Begue “Mikab06” Mickael


    Good glacier located on the heights of the city center. They try to stand out from the greats of Saint Pierre. Possibility to eat on the terrace or in the dining room. Helpful and committed staff. But despite everything, a map not very exhaustive.

  • Valerie Ek

    Valerie Ek


    I loved the ice creams are absolutely delicious, an exceptional choice of flavors from classic to more original, the homemade whipped cream is also very very good. The staff is adorable and doesn't hesitate to let you taste their most exotic flavors.





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