Line Coffee & Shop de Saint-Pierre

RéunionLine Coffee & Shop



🕗 horaire

50, Rue Francois de Mahy, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 41 35 65
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3385939, Longitude: 55.4759913

commentaires 5

  • Michael Scherer

    Michael Scherer


    Great food, great service and nice place to sit 😊 nice to have gluten- and sugar-free options.

  • Nathan Coates

    Nathan Coates


    Nicely designed cafe with a variety of delicious treats. We'll presented, with friendly and accommodating service.

  • Xavier Gevia

    Xavier Gevia


    A charming place, a pleasant atmosphere, small, without being dilapidated. The pastries are quite original, and very good. As for the drink, I took an iced tea of ​​the moment (hibiscus-peach-apricot), which was very good. Despite everything, the balance of this drink needs to be reviewed. For example, we could have added acidity, and/or freshness (citrus, mint?), and, even if I very much appreciate that it is not very sweet, that could have added a certain personality he lacked. It was a good experience, I would come back.

  • Zamira Azimi

    Zamira Azimi


    Very cozy and excellent service.

  • Erwin Siweris

    Erwin Siweris


    Nice staff, good food and coffee

Café la plus proche

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