Coffee and Travel 974 de Saint-Pierre

RéunionCoffee and Travel 974



🕗 horaire

2A, Rue Augustin Archambaud, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 26 24 96
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3407811, Longitude: 55.4777386

commentaires 5

  • DT



    We tried the lemon tart & dark chocolate cookie : the pastries were amazing! The coffee was of great quality and the beverages very well prepared. Everything was beautiful, and the service was very nice. Great place, I recommend.

  • Mélanie SAPIN

    Mélanie SAPIN


    Nice little coffee shop. Very good smoothie bowl. I had taken away for the evening a mixed salad and a slice of very good Amandine pie.

  • Lily Jaures

    Lily Jaures


    Great little shop for a breakfast / brunch with friends, or alone! It is quite small and sometimes you have to wait for seats; which shows their success with consumers. The decor is super chic, chill. Very reasonable prices for delicious cuisine, we loved this moment! 🤤

  • Michi Bru

    Michi Bru


    Nice coffe and food. Super clean toilet!

  • Sören Krawczyk

    Sören Krawczyk


    Outstanding little Coffee-/Tea-house. Delicious food and very sympathetic owners. I highly recommend. The coffee tastes really good as well. ;)

Café la plus proche

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